Dec 25, 2015

HTML5 Webcam Case: Add server certificate to trusted in Chrome

In the previous post we created a self-signed certificate on the server. But Google Chrome still shows the certificate as not trusted on the client side.
All steps will be applied at client side with Google Chrome browser.

Click the lock icon near the https url. In popup it says "Server's certificate is not trusted".

Click "Certificate Information" link and the go to "Details" tab.
 Click "Copy to File...". You will see Certificate Export Wizard window.

 Click Next and enter a path for the file including filename.
 Complete the wizard and you will see "The export was successful" message.

Go to Chrome settings and find "Manage certificates" button.
 Go to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" tab and click "Import..." button. We will import the certificate which we exported in the previous steps.
 You will see "Certificate Import Wizard" window. Click Next and select certificate file you exported.

 Here we are adding the certificate to the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities". Complete the wizard.

You will see "The import was successful" message. Now you will not see error lock icon near the https url in Chrome. Also related with our previous post, you can save your webcam access permission for the later use. You can create an app link in Chrome and whenever app window opened webcam will be active.

Dec 15, 2015

HTML5 Webcam Case: Create a self-signed certificate

Thanks to HTML5 which gives us the opportunity to use native HTML for some features. Without Flash or Silverlight we can use webcam. The new getUserMedia() function is used for capturing and video tag for displaying webcam content. 


Assume that we have a web client in a kiosk and we want to run our webpage by opening a Chrome window. Creating a shortcut is easy part but you'll see Chrome asks for permission to enable webcam each time. This is a problem because someone has to allow webcam after a restart for example.


Running your website in HTTPS environment can solve this. Then Chrome will remember your preference for that page. If you allow webcam then each time it will gives permission automatically.

Self-signed Certificate

If you don't have an authorized certificate for the HTTPS then you can create a self-signed certificate in IIS. 

You can enter big numbers for validity days like 1000 (which is 3+years) but for some security reasons Chrome will give warnings for that. In our case use smaller numbers like 365days.
Now you can see the certificate in IIS > Server Certificates section.
In IIS go to your Website > Bindings and select your certificate in HTTPS type.

Now your server is ready for HTTPS call and client can see your page's url in "https://your-server-name/..." format.

But still not finished. Chrome will say it the certificate is not verified. This is a self-signed certificate and we need to add it to Trusted Certificates in client side. See the next post 

Nov 27, 2015

Performance Counters on ASP.NET

If you want to use performance counters on your ASP.NET page you can use  System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter class. Example below shows running inside a generic handler.

static System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter cpuUsage;

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
    context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
    if (cpuUsage == null)
        cpuUsage = new System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter();
        cpuUsage.CategoryName = "Processor";
        cpuUsage.CounterName = "% Processor Time";
        cpuUsage.InstanceName = "_Total";


When you test in Visual Studio you will see you can get CPU usage for every call (except first call, it is 0 for the first time). But when you deploy your code to the server probably you will see the error below.
Access to the registry key 'Global' is denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the registry key 'Global' is denied.
To solve this problem;

1. Check your application pool from the IIS website settings (basic or advance).

2. Go to "Application Pools" section. Right click and select "Advanced Settings".

3. Find "Identity".

4. Go to "Server Manager" > "Local Users and Groups" > "Groups". On the right pane right click to "Performance Monitor Users" > Properties.

5. Add user you saw in the 3rd step (Identity). If you saw "ApplicationPoolIdentity" in the "Identity" then type "IIS APPPool\[Pool name]". In our example pool name is "ASP.NET v4.0".

6. Restart IIS. Now you should see the performance counter page without error.

Feb 5, 2015

Query samples on a self referenced table (Part-4)

In previous post we joined tables but there was a problem. We can not see "Help" menu which has not any sub menu. To solve the problem we will use Outer Join.


var menus = from t in Menus
  where t.MenuType==1
  join s in Menus on t.MenuID equals s.MenuParent into Subs
  from ss in Subs.DefaultIfEmpty()
  select new {
   TopMenu = t.Title,
   SubMenu = ss == null ? null : ss.Title


   .Where (t => (t.MenuType == 1))
   .GroupJoin (
      t => (t.MenuID), 
      s => s.MenuParent, 
      (t, Subs) => 
            t = t, 
            Subs = Subs
   .SelectMany (
      temp0 => temp0.Subs.DefaultIfEmpty (), 
      (temp0, ss) => 
            TopMenu = temp0.t.Title, 
            SubMenu = (ss == null) ? null : ss.Title


DECLARE @p0 Int = 1

SELECT [t0].[Title] AS [TopMenu], 
        WHEN [t2].[test] IS NULL THEN NULL
        ELSE CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t2].[Title])
     END) AS [SubMenu]
FROM [Menu] AS [t0]
    SELECT 1 AS [test], [t1].[Title], [t1].[MenuParent]
    FROM [Menu] AS [t1]
    ) AS [t2] ON ([t0].[MenuID]) = [t2].[MenuParent]
WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p0

Jan 23, 2015

Query samples on a self referenced table (Part-3)

In previous post we queried tables.
In this post we will join the tables. This will show Top Menu title and Sub Menu title in a row.


var menus = from t in Menus
  where t.MenuType == 1
  join s in Menus on t.MenuID equals s.MenuParent
  select new {
   TopMenu = t.Title,
   SubMenu = s.Title


   .Where (t => (t.MenuType == 1))
   .Join (
      t => (Int32?)(t.MenuID), 
      s => s.MenuParent, 
      (t, s) => 
            TopMenu = t.Title, 
            SubMenu = s.Title


DECLARE @p0 Int = 1

SELECT [t0].[Title] AS [TopMenu], [t1].[Title] AS [SubMenu]
FROM [Menu] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [Menu] AS [t1] ON ([t0].[MenuID]) = [t1].[MenuParent]
WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p0

Jan 13, 2015

Query samples on a self referenced table (Part-2)

In previous post we created a database table, filled it with sample data and saw some basic queries.
In this post we will query the table in { Menu.Title, IEnumerable<menu> } form. This will show Top menu title and sub menu items in a row.


var menus = from t in Menus 
 where t.MenuType==1 
 select new {
  SubMenus = from s in Menus
  where t.MenuType==1 && t.MenuID==s.MenuParent
  select s


   .Where (t => (t.MenuType == 1))
   .Select (
      t => 
            Title = t.Title, 
            SubMenus = Menus
               .Where (s => ((t.MenuType == 1) && ((Int32?)(t.MenuID) == s.MenuParent)))


DECLARE @p0 Int = 1
DECLARE @p1 Int = 1

SELECT [t0].[Title], [t1].[MenuID], [t1].[Title] AS [Title2], [t1].[Url], [t1].[MenuParent], [t1].[MenuType], (
    FROM [Menu] AS [t2]
    WHERE ([t0].[MenuType] = @p0) AND (([t0].[MenuID]) = [t2].[MenuParent])
    ) AS [value]
FROM [Menu] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Menu] AS [t1] ON ([t0].[MenuType] = @p0) AND (([t0].[MenuID]) = [t1].[MenuParent])
WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p1

Jan 11, 2015

Query samples on a self referenced table (Part-1)

I will give you some query examples in Linq, Lambda Expression and SQL syntax.
Examples are build on one table that includes self referenced data. We will create a menu table on the database and fill it with some sample data. Some menu items are top menus and the others are subs. Sub menu items has a parent id which is referenced another menu item on the same table.

Step 1: Create menu table on SQL Server.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].Menu(
 [MenuID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [Title] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [Url] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
 [MenuParent] [int] NULL, --If has parent fill this column with MenuID 
 [MenuType] [int] NULL --1: Top menu, 2:Sub menu

Step 2: Insert some data
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Accounts', '.aspx', 0, 1) --ID=1

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Users', '.aspx', 1, 2) --ID=2

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Customers', '.aspx', 1, 2) --ID=3

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Settings', '.aspx', 0, 1) --ID=4

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('App', '.aspx', 4, 2) --ID=5

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Web', '.aspx', 4, 2) --ID=6

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Service', '.aspx', 4, 2) --ID=7

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Parameters', '.aspx', 0, 1) --ID=8

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Account Type', '.aspx', 8, 2) --ID=9

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Menu] ([Title], [Url], [MenuParent], [MenuType]) VALUES ('Help', '.aspx', 0, 1) --ID=10

Step 3: Query table. In this example we will see some basic queries.

Basic Queries

Queries below selects top menus and sub menus.


var topMenus = from f in Menus where f.MenuType==1 select f;
var subMenus = from f in Menus where f.MenuType==2 select f;


   .Where (f => (f.MenuType == 1))

   .Where (f => (f.MenuType == 2))


DECLARE @p0 Int = 1
SELECT [t0].[MenuID], [t0].[Title], [t0].[Url], [t0].[MenuParent], [t0].[MenuType]
FROM [Menu] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p0

DECLARE @p1 Int = 2
SELECT [t0].[MenuID], [t0].[Title], [t0].[Url], [t0].[MenuParent], [t0].[MenuType]
FROM [Menu] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p1

See Part-2 for the other queries.