In previous post we joined tables but there was a problem. We can not see "Help" menu which has not any sub menu. To solve the problem we will use Outer Join.
var menus = from t in Menus where t.MenuType==1 join s in Menus on t.MenuID equals s.MenuParent into Subs from ss in Subs.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { TopMenu = t.Title, SubMenu = ss == null ? null : ss.Title };
Menus .Where (t => (t.MenuType == 1)) .GroupJoin ( Menus, t => (t.MenuID), s => s.MenuParent, (t, Subs) => new { t = t, Subs = Subs } ) .SelectMany ( temp0 => temp0.Subs.DefaultIfEmpty (), (temp0, ss) => new { TopMenu = temp0.t.Title, SubMenu = (ss == null) ? null : ss.Title } )
DECLARE @p0 Int = 1 SELECT [t0].[Title] AS [TopMenu], (CASE WHEN [t2].[test] IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t2].[Title]) END) AS [SubMenu] FROM [Menu] AS [t0] LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS [test], [t1].[Title], [t1].[MenuParent] FROM [Menu] AS [t1] ) AS [t2] ON ([t0].[MenuID]) = [t2].[MenuParent] WHERE [t0].[MenuType] = @p0