Dec 12, 2009

VS 2008 cannot switch to design mode

I am a little bit disappointed with Visual studio 2008 for slow IDE. VS2003's IDE is faster than 2008. Endless hotfixes is another issue. I really wonder what those hotfixes do. Whenever i install a new patch to make VS IDE faster i feel like cheated. Because it doesn't work. I installed a patch even for connecting to Visual Sourcesafe 2005. Does not Microsoft programmers know we may want to use VS with Sourcesafe? Why do i have to execute a patch for this?

The purpose of this post is design mode appearance problem in VS2008. When i switch to design mode i couldn't see form. I spend time to find a solution for this problem. There is a detailed recommendation here. But it didn't work for me. Finally i find a solution in forum.

Copy FPCUTL.DLL file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Expression\Web Designer to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10 or office11. My dll version is 12.0.4518.1066.

What a good relationship with a dll under Office folder and Visual Studio design view!